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B Side Poetry 13

mckannon is my middle name

written through my eyes it's still pretty plain

in definition, 'canon' is what i'm going for revelation's like seeing it before/ mentioning it afore/ tripping on a spore create a new score these rhymes i adore come now cuz there's lots, lots more... or... it could mean 'cannon' aimed at your melon just say the word, i'll keep on tellin'... most candidates out there sellin' us out like a felon jail them all for treason...lobbyists, they'll all be yellin' all the way down to hell 'n' that's all i have to say about that bring it back another rap tip, tip, tap s.o.s. save it stat synapse construct, that's where it's at lightning strikes, lights up the black show you where to go on a yoga matt

ommmmmmmmmmm blowwwwwwwwwn away as the beat sways listen to it now and like/ love all of your days ..

maxin' and relaxin' in jacksonville i throw the facts down and rhyme at will

come around here the truth will spill

the cup is full so get your fill

please dont run that way for the mill now it's time so take the red pill

learn how to learn, it's a high paying skill

just like the wise old owl ... still

keep it under wraps or write high with my quill

(the buck stops here, so don't pass that (counterfeit) bill/ act on the environment, please pass that (hemp) bill/ please say no to trump, hillary and bill)

this here's the deal

jet fuel still can't melt steel

get real

tell me now, how do you feel?

if this were a color it would be teal on i go with this here spiel no one knows just how ill

i get, sweat make some love cuz it begets cover all bets yankees, mets no regrets sing it again, pressure those frets

our waking hour? things have gone sour so much (pollution n) greed, not enough (green) power 'are you a highrise or more like a flower?' kicked out of the police acadamy jsut like hightower 911 emergency, indict with urgency, don't be a coward remember free fall speed... the explosions went outward

i know what you said, as you slurred it's a !@#$%^& fact that your'e so detoured you know what i'm saying, cuz i know you heard yes i spoke it word for word...

'hillary for prison' bernie/ jill has risen come on ya'll, it's time to look n listen..

most politicians, out there missin'

the point... the real bliss 'n'

comet and blitzen get you there fast, light through a prism it's a given 'it's time for livin''

back on track bernie sanders is the pimp daddy mack bring it round, drop a stack on education and the environment so they never lack break the big banks up, repeal the federal reserve act i don't redact it's all declassified now it's time to react fact fill th9is gap map get us there.. afreakingsap

'can you deal with that!?!'

numbers racket became lotterys protection racket mandated insurance drug racket, the prescription industry ...

come around here there's always more adore

you right on cue you're so lovable that much is true what can i say, i'm in it through and through

baloo the bear make it fair honey for all, with some to spare flare keep this going... make you stare long and hard, and what a pair dirk diggler in the house but i'm the number one player mayor large and in charge, i still dare sed it here first, 'cuz like the beasties, i care ... yo how it go? see it now with the go pro jump up high swing down low been coming (here) since a long time ago listen to moby reappear like obie

panama papers

leaking capers

calling all breakers

we need more givers, less takers

make it real for all you fakers

meet your makers

you're a dime a dozen up at the bakers

for goodness sakers

bring on the lakers

end this rhyme by raising the stakers

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