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B Side Poetry 1

big things!!! play the heart strings love/ life it brings fit for kings? (we're all royalty) !@#$ dynasties .. and ming's

diamond rings 'the entertainer' stings do it clean martin luther king jr and his dreams bringin' it 'round right through the seams

now you can tell me what it all means take the red pill and some magic beans tapped the matrix so now it's all seen in 'the (!@#$%^&) space between'

caramel covered things go select in all 3 teams eric to scotty i need to beam warp factor to number 13

everyone's a critic just admit it don't tell me what it do.. cuz i did it

hit it then quit it? spitted, jsut spit it till it's all copacetic your mouth, wet it knitted, get wit it wear a hat... fitted

watch your six pick up sticks this is for kids and kids are for trix throw it in it's in this mix-up that's wasssup go and get golde3n just like king tutt got some charm so you're in luck the name's eric, and no, it's not puck

supastar go the distance...................................................... far hole in one don't just make par get you there with my guitar...

turn it up so you can hear it on mars from mercury to metallica, drum it lars ride the disco wheel like i bump my cars in the caribbean like a pirate?/ don't get pirated by napster, arrrh

riot looter 'ok computer' love her now like you were a suitor

'standing on the shoulders of giants' word to the navigator ... 'commmmmmmpliance' indict the bush admin and so on ... tyrants defiance reliance if you want an ally, form an alliance

anyway, the balls in play do it like this like all damn day where there's a will there's always a way? finish this up or should i stay?

wahtever i'll be back drop a stack do a little miracle now taht's that!

ya know i'm always strapped with love and peace, the bag is always packed work it on out so it's never lacked ran a touchdown but then i got sacked

keep on truckin like a mack 'on the road' just like jack kerouac get you there and that's a fact make this look good, but i don't redact

open letter irish setter this is improved, so much better/ so unfettered?

make it work need more chorus, cow bell, and twerk-ing on the scene it's hillarious, you'll bust a spleen seam 'walk it out' on a moon beam you know what i mean? redeem here we go again... always keen do it clean finish this up at the chapel, sistine but not yet pressure that fret let i bet you come thru like a vet always met with love and peace, no regret? set like the time rhythm n rhyme get you there take the b line einstein see it now don't be blind re rewind !@#% nazis and the slaughterhouse mind.. mentality morality in the middle east, bombed their family lifetimes of war now where's the sympathy? learn peace now feel it's gravity drop it on you ... namaste

look out into the past see the future...what will last the ebb n flow of time will cast a light upon the evidence/ truths amassed/ so fast

don't be a victim if the devil's in you, evict him stay above water, kick when you swim make you feel stronger, strengthen each limb

guilty as sin but they thought they would win? hillary/ trump as president? america's intelligence's gone dim remind me again.. who's/ what's (really) american?

do it to it one more time yes you know this will rhyme sed it before but it's still in its prime drop it on the devil, every last dime

fine... !@@#$ it i'm out

what? take it back give some slack keep this going till you react...

oil and bankster wars based on lies but people don't care 'til their loved one dies which increases their want for more war when the real monsters are the ones they voted for now what;s the score? reality tore except for the 1%, everyone's dead or poor save the day, yes, with mi amore trey, say, go play never stop being a-freaking-ok homegirls and hombres ok? ok.

green party unite this is our time to get in the fight the vote will count cuz despite their agenda.. we still gotta fix our plight sed it here first, you know it's tight jill stein for president, she comes so right

whatcha got brewin' something new n summon my powers... "Aaarrrooookin" ...

bernie pulled off the greatest flip flop (against the 1%, then for them) and jumped ship (i think his family was threatened-i wouldn't put it past the clintons) jill's the new dick (private eye hehe)/ candidate that will bring the truth, justice, and prosperity with a new clip/ clean up this !@#$ showing the people 'we got the' (beastie boys) power and can still do it

everything you dream from the mountains to the streams let the water flow clean you know what i mean

standing rock this fight already fought a microcosm/ example of the fight manifested leave it in the ground, take some stock, get invested this country should be cleaner ... ad hock, interested? solar etc around every block, 'make sure you're connected..' hind sight's 2020, so ya betta come corrected ... 'the future is green' that's what i see when i go dream 'peace on earth and good will towards men' where 'knowledge reigns supreme' jump in any time ... if you know what i mean thanx for life and living, now it's all seen tapped the effing matrix and 'the space between' boom bap bound take 1 make a scene... yes i took one for the team now its love, you can all lean on, do this closer than mercury's dawn rise up ... set the alarm (again, i'm english) oil get out now, don't go long global warming.. make you wear a year round thong you must know you don't belong 'just imagine' it's all in a song ...

we all agree that this will be told.. like '1,2,3'... everything ... you'll see it's all just up to you and me ...

date... relate.. everything at stake... figure it out now before it's been too late cuz "this is not our fate"? at any rate this is my great escape ... what's known? 'alive alone' kick that ish, methadone set in stone? now lets hone in good deeds vs sin do we really have to do this all over again?

keep on rappin tip, tip tappin what will happen? say it again n rhyme with passion dashin mashin clashin up from the deepest depths, but it's just a fraction mappin dappin flow this and that 'n' ...

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